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Find your place within our different ministries. Find out the days, times and age and/or gender specifications for each one and get plugged in.


Cradle Roll                                      Newborn – Age 3

When a child is baptized we send out packets for parents to share the Biblical story with their child.  Contact Phyllis Boyer at (215) 679-6626 to enroll your child.


Children’s Sunday School        Sunday 9am – 10am        Age 4 – Grade 6

On Sunday mornings children gather with their adult teachers to learn Bible stories through art, music, cooking, and more. Contact Pam Saboe at (267) 825-3406 to enroll your child.


Confirmation                               Sunday 9am – 10am        Grade 7 – Grade 8

Youth in Confirmation are taught an overview of the Bible, Lutheran history & theology, and the Sacraments.  This is a two- year program that leads to being a confirmed member of the congregation.  Contact Pastor Saboe at (215) 206-8566 to enroll your child.


Youth Group                               Various Dates        Youth of All Ages

Youth of all ages, as well as their parents, participate in a variety of events to include an annual retreat at Spruce Lake Retreat Center, archery, miniature golf, bowling, service projects, trunk-or-treat, Advent night, Easter egg hunt, etc.  For more information, contact Doug Koons at (267) 772-0720.


Adult Sunday School                Sunday 9am – 10am        Confirmed Members

On Sunday mornings confirmed members of the congregation gather to explore the Bible, Lutheran theology, and topics of the day.  For more information, contact Pr. Saboe at (215) 206-8566.


Soul Café                                     Sunday 9am – 10am [July – August]        All Ages

During the summer months children and adults gather on Sunday mornings to watch and discuss thought provoking movies.  A light breakfast is served prior to the movie.


For Immediate Help

Please call Pastor Saboe at (215) 206-8566.


Crisis or Life Transition Care

Sometimes we need someone to talk with when we go through life transitions such as going through a separation, divorce, health crisis, or the loss of a loved one.  Call Pastor Saboe at (215) 206-8566 to schedule an appointment.


Hospital Visits

Churches are no longer notified by a hospital when a member is admitted unless the person requests it.  If you are scheduled for surgery or are in the hospital and would like a visit, please call Pastor Saboe at (215) 206-8566.


Nursing Home Visits

Nursing homes no longer notify the church when a member is admitted, unless the person requests it.  Please contact Pastor Saboe at (215) 206-8566 to set up regular visits.


Prayer Chain

Lay ministers are available to pray for you and/or your loved ones.  Call Ann Stever at (215) 536-5114 with your prayer request.


Prayer List

Zion is a faith community rooted in prayer.  If you would like to have your name or that of a loved one added to our prayer list on Sunday morning, please call the church office at (215) 536-7288 and leave a message.


Eucharist Ministers

Trained lay ministers bring Holy Communion to our homebound on the first Sunday of every month.



If you are interested in having Pastor Saboe perform your wedding, please call him at (215) 206-8566 at least three months prior to the anticipated wedding date to arrange an initial interview.



Becoming a Christian through the sacrament of Holy Baptism is the single greatest event we experience in this life.  If you are interested in being baptized, or have your child baptized, please call Pastor Saboe at (215) 206-8566 to arrange a meeting.



When a loved one passes on, we want to be there for you and your family.  Please call Pastor Saboe at (215) 206-8566 to make funeral arrangements and receive grief counseling.  


Adult Choir

Our Adult Choir meets at 8:15am on Sunday mornings in the sanctuary.  We are always looking for those who are interested in sharing their gift of music.  If you are interested in joining, please see David Stever, our Music Director & Organist after church on Sundays.


Altar Guild

The Altar Guild normally meets the first Saturday of every month. Their sacred duties include caring for the altar, its linens and wares.  They also train our acolytes and deliver flowers to our shut-ins.  If you are interested in joining, please call Ann Stever at (215) 536-5114.


Boy Scouts

Boy Scouts meet on Wednesday evenings at 7pm.  Scouting is a year-round program uniquely designed to meet the needs of boys and their families. The program offers fun and challenging activities that promote character development and physical fitness. Family involvement is an essential part of the program, and parents are encouraged to play an  active role in making the most of the short time they have to impact the lives of their children.  Call Jim Koons at (215) 896-0115 for more information.  Click here for Boys Scouts info.


Girl Scouts

Girl Scouts meet on Monday evenings at 7 pm.  Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.  Click here for Girl Scouts info. Email for more info.


Prayer Chain

Our prayer chain is made up of volunteers who pray for those who are going through difficult times. If you would like to be a part of the vital ministry, please contact Ann Stever at (215) 536-5114.


Tie-Knot Quilters

Our Tie-Knot Quilters meet the first Tuesday of every month (except during January & February) from 1 to 4 pm.  You do not need to know how to sew to help make quilts. Quilting skills include cutting and ironing fabric as well as tying knots, and we  will teach you what you need to know. Bring your lunch and if you wish, bring a treat to share. We can always use fabrics to cut and of course, donations for batting and sewing supplies. Call Martine Beahn at (610) 282-1055 for more information. 


Women of the ELCA (WELCA)

WELCA meets the third Thursday of every month at 11:30 am.  These ladies gather together for service, study, advocacy, fellowship and more.  Their mission is to mobilize women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ. For more info please click here.


Youth Group

The Zion Youth Group is open to all youth of all ages. The Youth Group meets the second Sunday of each month from 6- 8 pm. Throughout the year the youth group organizes various activities, such as archery, miniature golf, annual Easter egg hunt, Trunk or Treat, Advent Night, Christmas caroling, etc. The Youth Group also sponsors an annual inter-generational retreat a Spruce Lake Retreat in the Pocono Mountains.  Call Doug Koons at (267) 772-0720 for more information.

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